Monday, October 20, 2008

So those are pg emotions...

You know the rumors that pg ladies are overly emotional, well they are somewhat true. I got my first dose of them last week, when R didn't paint the accent pieces of furniture on the day he had set aside for it. It wasn't one of those wimpy cries either. I am talking full on hysterics, mascara running, not breathing well cries that lasts for at least 5 minutes if not longer. The kind where just when you think it is done, you start right back up again.

Since then I have actually though R was having an affair! Those who know R will laugh because they know that even though we haven't been intimate in a long time, R would never ever do something like that. He isn't having an affair but he also wasn't where he was supposed to be, or answering his phone. He did leave me a message on my phone that his plans had changed and he was at a movie and thus wasn't avalible via phone, BUT I had left my phone at home and thus didn't get the message until after my freak out. I am sure pre-pg this would have bothered me to not know where he was but not quite as badly as it did that day. I thought for sure he would come home smelling of some other girl. And of course in this hormonal state I blamed the alleged affair on me because who wouldn't cheat on his pg wife who refuses sex?

The list goes on and on of emotional break downs, these are the two worst ones. I don't think it is depression, since I feel fine after I cry. I am getting out of bed laughing and enjoying life still so that is great. It does however have me worried, and R too. We both agreed to be sure and talk about any signs of depression we might see in me. If you see it you will say something too, right?


nora said...

you poor thing..i had a few of those moments towards the end of my pregnancy too..i mean, yelling and crying while at the same time in my head im saying to myself "i don't know why i'm so upset..why are you yelling?" yet, i would keep on sobbing and yelling..hahaha
just you wait for the postpartum emotions! those are wonderful just look at that little sweetie and burst into the happiest tears you have ever known :)

Sasha & Mark said...

Oh no! We're just lucky to have wonderful husbands who can look beyond these things. One day I was sobbing at the Bon Jovi song "Living on a Prayer" And then I started laughing at myself through the sobs-- very strange when you are just out of control!

Jessica White said...

I'd say your emotions are sound pretty normal. I'm glad things are going well :-)

Stephanie said...

I can relate, I've had more than a few meltdowns. I think it sounds like normal pregnancy hormones working. I'm glad you have a loving and supportive hubby who understands.

Anonymous said...

Well, post partum hormones aren't much better, I cried once over my husband not bringing home the right cheese to go with my salami! (So I think you sound completely normal!)

And don't worry, I won't let you fall.

Anonymous said...

Awww...I'm sorry you're feeling so emotional. I feel that way around AF time, but I can't imagine how you must be feeling.

I'm glad you're still enjoying life though. You have a great husband there.