Tuesday, May 13, 2008

1st U/S Yesterday

Yesterday was our first u/s and everything went very well. I was a complete mess before and nearly had a panic attack in the waiting room but it all turned out to be fine. The Dr said that the baby was measuring right on track and we saw a little flicker of a heartbeat. There was just one, R is very happy and relived about that. I am fine. Twins would be nice but R would be such a wreck and so worried about the pg, birth and then care that one is truly better. After the u/s I did feel better for about an hour and then I was worried again. I can't explain it but I am still worried. I try not to but I am.

Part of the problem is that one the sac wasn't perfectly round it was obgloned shaped. I haven't googled it and won't because I know what I will read will be AWFUL news. My Dr isn't concerned so I shouldn't be right? But I am. Then sometimes (but not always) they can count the beats per minute of the heart at 6weeks, I feel into the couldn't group and that has me worried too.

I am a worrier by nature so this shouldn't surprise those of you who know me but it sucks to be worried. Most pg ladies would not have betas or u/s this early but they also wouldn't know about all the bad things either, or how common they are.

As I have said before IF strips away your belief that everything will be okay and replaces it with fear and anxiety. I would love to say the 2nd trimester will be better but somehow I don't think so. Maybe I will relax when she hits kindergarten?


Anonymous said...

No, in kindergarten you will worry she will have trouble sharing, bring home germs, or get in trouble. I don't know that my mom has stopped worrying about me to this day, but you know, I wouldn't have it any other way. Your child is lucky to have parents so very concerned for their well being.

Congrats on a great u/s. Can't wait for the next I bet!

Jessica White said...

I'm glad your u/s went well: I don't think the worry ever goes away...there will always be something.

I'll continue prayers that all is well.

Maria (MKC101103) said...

I'm praying you can relax a bit. Believe me, I know just how hard that can be. It seems that as soon as one milestone is reached you start worrying about the next one. I hate that IF has made us so pessimistic about this :(

momma mimi said...

Glad to hear you were able to hear/see the heartbeat. Sorry that you're still so worried but I think that comes with the territory. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers for a continued healthy pregnancy.

nickoletta100 said...

Oh the first tri is sooooo hard. I was sick to my stomach before every single appointment, terrified the heartbeat would be gone. You are perfectly normal to have these worries. They should get better in the 2nd tri and much better in the third. I know that sounds very far away but it does go fast!

SmartAssMom said...

Hon, how the sac looks will change depending on the angle of the wand...I have 10 u/s pics from one single u/s and the sac is a round circle in some, some as thin as a line, some just downright funky...it's all from the same u/s, it's just the position of the wand.
I know how scary it is. I made myself physically ill from worry the first u/s, and I wasn't much better for the next 3 or 4. It does get a bit easier though. Hang in there.

Echloe said...

Glad it went well.

my hope my faith my love said...

CONGRATS on the tiny heartbeat! BTW the worrying never stops, so just enjoy!

Jenny said...

Yay for the heart beat. I know how you feel about the worry. Does it ever get easier?

J said...

I think I had one oblong too - I wouldn't worry about that. Mine was never circular.

I think everything will be fine!

Anonymous said...

LOL...Just had to comment that the entire time you called the baby and "she!" : ) Love you! Holly