Monday, April 21, 2008

Symptoms and Progestorone

This cycle I did chart for the first two and half weeks because I was scared of ovulating before cd 15 and not getting a +opk. As we all know that didn't happen. I continued to chart after ovulation because well, why the hell not? Only to see my temp rise and then drop and stay low. This worried me.

For those of you who don't know about charting (Shannon), after ovulation your temp should rise because progesterone is being released. Progesterone helps your uterine lining be more sticky/smoshie and thus aids in implantation. It also is required for a viable pg, thus with out it a person would need progesterone to keep her from m/c.

So on Friday when I talked to my RE about R's numbers (all of which were great) I mentioned my low temps. She said since she isn't a big believer in charting that she wasn't worried but that if I wanted I could get it tested that day. Well my results came back and it was a perfect 15! R and I are very happy.

In symptoms news, I have tried to not obsess but that is really hard if you are nauseous! Yes I have been nauseous all Sunday, part of Friday (and almost fainted during blood draw), and Thursday night chicken repulsed me. I have never heard of nausea in the 2ww but if it is a pg symptom then why not a 2ww symptom too.

Maybe this means I will have morning sickness? If it means I am pg then BRING IT ON!


Jessica White said...

I'm praying that that is exactly what it means!!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I am also praying for you!!!

Oh, and thanks for explaining, I had no idea about charting either.

Unknown said...

I hope the nausea is a good sign :)

I'll also give you a piece of advice that got me through the 2ww. More of an 'order' really than piece of advice... straight from the lips of Mrs.K&C. Ready? Here goes:
"Stop charting!"
I know you want to, but having your hopes and dreams rise and fall with each temperature spike and dip drives you crazy.
Just let it go -- focus on getting through the rest of the week, but don't chart.

I know it's hard. I'll be around to give you lots of cyber hugs though, and I promise those are better than a big fat graph :)

Lisa said...

Oh, I hope that's exactly what those symptoms mean!!!!!

Stephanie said...

I'm praying and still crossing fingers, I even lit a candle at church for you! : )

Echloe said...

Hi Ariel,
Here is the website for my acupuncture clinic. I see Po Lin specifically. I go to his SF office but I know that he travels and works in San Ramon and Milpitas too. Maybe some other towns as well.

Good luck.